Ozaeta/Barrundia is one of the villages in the plains of Alava which will be affected by the high speed train TAV. The neighbours of the village collaborated in the painting of the mural which highlights the values, traditions and surroundings and conveys the following message: No to the TAV!
The mural painting located in a small building at the entrance of the village, taking up three of its four walls. The great chrome circle which takes up a corner of the building is characteristic and whose colours refer to the characteristics of Barrundia: blue referring to the water from the local reservoir, yellow for the cereal crops, green for the mountains, etc. The Palacio of Guevara is also very representative, an allusion to the different agricultural practices of the area, the cultivation of pulses for example. The sheep also had their place,” there are more sheep than people in the area”, the locals commented during the plannning and design of the mural. Cheese, or apple from which the local cider is made, are other elements that can be found. The portrayal of a woman’s body moving forward holding Chingas (used in a rural sport) has a special relevance.
And wearing a purple t-shirt, a little allusion to the local feminist group.