Local at Federico García Lorca

Tired of vandalism and constant graffiti, the owner of the premises, located in a park Federico García Lorca Street in Judimendi, decided to give these walls an added value, a mural painting which would highlight the essence of the place.


Inspired by Salburua park, the artist Irantzu Lekue reproduced a landscape where the flowers and wildlife of Alava take on a special relevance.  Butterflies, dragonflies or deer, some of the animals which appear on the walls and whose relflection on the lake’s water reinforces the sense of depth which the artist wanted to give the premises. A total of 3 window shutters are camouflaged among the vegetation, and blend perfectly into the surroundings

Local - Fco. García Lorca DESPUÉS
Mural para comercio Local - Fco. García Lorca ANTES